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The benefits of Cayman Islands Tax Haven company formation

Business in offshore jurisdictions is not just popular among businesspersons in many countries. It provides several advantages at once - Cayman Islands tax haven zone will reduce your tax obligations. In addition, offshore allows you to acquire a "prestigious" legal address, significantly expand international contacts and get access to the foreign market.

Dozens of countries offer convenient conditions for doing business in offshore zones. However, the Cayman Islands has always been in the top of leading countries in terms of attractiveness for business. There are many reasons for this.

Advantages of business in the Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands tax haven is one of the expressions you might hear of this jurisdiction. It is enough to be acquainted with the benefits that the island state provides to non-resident companies.

  • For thirty years after a company is registered in the Cayman Islands, taxes may not be paid. For partnerships, this period is extended to fifty years.
  • Despite the fact that business still needs to keep accounts, it is not necessary to provide annual and quarterly reports to official bodies, nor is an audit required.
  • The Cayman Islands do not control the movement of funds of offshore companies - entrepreneurs can manage their funds completely freely.
  • To manage a business, it is not necessary to attend Cayman Islands in person - management can be done from anywhere in the world.

The banking system is well developed in the Cayman Islands; the country is financially and politically stable. Registering in the Cayman Islands tax haven will provide your business with a great reputation since it has an access to major international markets.

What is the business registration process in Cayman Islands?

Registering a company in the Cayman Islands tax haven is not being just highly profitable, but also quite simple. There are few documents required for this; among them, you’ll need registration papers of a company, a charter or a memorandum of association, information about directors and other managers.

You also need to provide a certificate of good standing and the company reputation. Either you can open a company with a legal address in Cayman Islands from scratch on your own, or you can contact organizations that provide this service. It is also possible to purchase a ready-made company - in this case, the registration process will be faster.

Опубликовано: 29.04.2019
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